Empty heart is the heart that only got the shell but without the inner of the heart. It have outer layer but inside is nothing leave. How can have heart like this? Isn't they choose to have this kind of heart? Sometime their choose to have so but sometime is given by those people their ever loved before.
Empty is mean nothing leave inside in the container or the nothing fill up the space anymore. It may cause by leaking or dig out the inner from the heart. And leave the empty heart to face the problems and the everyday in their life. They have choice to choose or not?
Absolutely their have! They choose how to live with their heart. But when someone dig out their heart, i believe they willing to let others to do so. For them, the people dig out their heart no others but someone their love and trust. But what to do, among people, sure will have somebody will betray each others for selfishness.
For those who willing being dig out the heart, they can't blame others and no others can blame. When they know clearly about their can't blame other about the dig out of the heart, I and myself believe, they will no show their true feeling again. They phobia will lost their heart again when they start facing the same feeling like before that make them lost their heart.
Life is like that, lost and found. When we lost something, we scare to give more and phobia to take from others. Because some of us know that we should take and give equally. What you can give to others doesn't mean that they will pay you back what you ever do for them.
Empty heart can be fill up again? I always ask myself this kind of question.And my answer for this question is yes.To be, or not to be :that is the question. When you can give someone to dig out your heart, then why just willing again for those who can fill up the space for you. I hope i can confess myself to do so.My purpose no to tell anyone but just keep remain myself that i should do so. Hope so..
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